March 8, 2019
Dear Friends,
Each year, in the days leading up to the Jewish holiday of Purim, volunteers with B’nai Brith Canada help us package and deliver holiday-themed food bags to the most vulnerable members of our community, including seniors, widows and widowers, Holocaust survivors, and individuals with disabilities.
But we can’t do it without you.
That’s why we’re asking for your help by sponsoring a Purim-themed food bag. By making a small gift of $18 per food bag, you’ll provide essential goods to a Jewish family or individual(s) living at or below the poverty line.
To donate, click here. (page doesn`t exist anymore)
The more food bags you sponsor, the more that Jewish Canadians can take part in this important holiday and follow our customs and traditions, supporting the B’nai Brith mandate of preserving Jewish unity and continuity.
By making a small donation, you dramatically and directly improve the quality of life for Jewish Canadians who otherwise would be unable to commemorate the saving of the Jewish people from Haman.
Thank you for your ongoing support of B’nai Brith Canada, the proud voice of grassroots Canadian Jewry.