First Music Brunch of Spring a Success

April 8, 2019

MONTREAL – B’nai Brith Canada launched into Spring this weekend with its eighth Music Brunch for Seniors event! Our wonderful staff and volunteers welcomed over 120 senior guests, their caregivers, spouses and family members to The Adath Synagogue for a rousing performance by the Bagg Street Klezmer Band. Check out a sneak peak of their performance below

B’nai Brith is looking forward to our next Montreal event starring special guest Tommy SchnurmacherMake-Up Tips from Auschwitz: How Vanity Saved My Mother’s Life on June 12, 2019! Call Keren at 416-633-6224 ext 109 or email [email protected] to purchase tickets!

Until then, please enjoy perusing through these fun photos.