In response to thousands of email complaints in the past couple of days from the Jewish community, Green Party leader Elizabeth May had this to say in an email reply Thursday:
“Thank you for writing about the proposed resolutions to the Green Party of Canada convention. I appreciate you taking the time to share your views. In my work in Parliament, I have raised human rights concerns about many nations, but not Israel. I point this out only to provide context to the CIJA email that suggests the Green Party is singling out Israel. That said, our members come up with resolutions independently. I am not – nor is anyone in the leadership of the party – in charge of resolutions. Nor do we know ahead of time what resolutions will come forward.
“The Green Party resolution process is very different from other parties. We do not have any screening process. Resolutions of all kinds go forward for a vote. Until the convention in August in Ottawa, we will not know if there is sufficient support to change our current policy.
“The Green Party of Canada opposes the use of Boycott, Divestment and Sanction tactics to influence the policies of the Netanyahu government. Some members wish to change that policy. That is their right as members.
“The resolution relating to the Jewish National Fund is more problematic. There are clearly a number of problems with the draft resolution.
“I had a very productive and respectful meeting with Josh Cooper, CEO of JNF Canada, to talk about the resolution. I have invited JNF Canada to participate in the convention and speak to the resolution if it comes to the convention floor. It may well be defeated in on-line voting and never make it to a debate.
Thank you again for taking the time to write.
Elizabeth May, OC
Member of Parliament
Saanich-Gulf Islands
Leader of the Green Party of Canada