By Daniel Koren
Media Coordinator
B’nai Brith Canada
Nov. 16, 2017
For several years now, B’nai Brith Canada in Quebec has been providing clothing, toiletries, nonperishable food, and other items to Chez Doris, a charitable organization that offers daytime shelter and a safe environment to vulnerable and at-risk women across Montreal.
The organization’s mission is to give women in need a safe and nonjudgmental space where confidentiality is assured.
Founded in 197
7, Chez Doris provides women with various essentials such as breakfast and lunch, access to showers, hygienic products, emergency food bags, respite beds, custodial services, financial management programs, an Inuit assistance program, an aboriginal housing placement service, health and mental health services, legal services, and educational and socio-recreational programs.
Last week, B’nai Brith volunteers arrived at the facility alongside make-up specialist Sharon Braunstein, who pampered the ladies of Chez Doris with beautiful makeovers. Needles to say, the women were very appreciative and “emotionally transformed” by the experience, according to B’nai Brith Quebec CVS Chair Joanne Cutler.
Cutler also thanked the volunteers who accompanied her and B’nai Brith to the facility last week, in addition to the various other occasions they lent their support. “Many thanks to all our volunteers for helping make so many women smile,” Cutler said.