Jan. 04, 2022
Toronto – An anti-Israel group that is promoting boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against the world’s only Jewish state is using Israeli software to circulate its message.
Petition for Palestine, the aforementioned Canadian group, is pushing for negative coverage of Israel by sharing a petition. The website builder that the group used for the anti-Israel petition, however, is WIX, an Israeli tech company.
“The so-called BDS movement is nonsensical,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “The same people who focus on boycotting and demonizing Israel most likely use Israeli technology multiple times a day.”
Israellycool, a pro-Israel website, blogged on Jan. 3 about Petition for Palestine’s use of WIX.
Petition for Palestine is not the first pro-BDS organization to promote an Israeli business. Karen Rodman, the leader of the Canadian BDS Coalition, has promoted the sale of Israeli wine but only because the winemaker is an Arab rather than an Israeli Jew.
The irony is not lost on B’nai Brith, which will continue to monitor those who espouse hatred of Israel while benefiting from the country’s technological achievements.
Mostyn concluded: “The BDS movement is incredibly successful at highlighting its own hypocrisy. Thankfully for Canadian Jews it is far less successful as a platform to promote hate.”