August 08, 2021
TORONTO – Three Ontario schools are taking the Ontario provincial government to court over inequitable distribution of the Safe Return to Class Fund, and B’nai Brith Canada is an intervenor in the lawsuit in support of independent schools.
The court proceedings will be broadcast live on Monday August 9th from 10am (EDT) onwards. The Youtube link for the public is available HERE.
The greater the number watching the court proceedings, the greater the impact that you can have as an interested member of the public.
In August 2020 and January 2021, the Ontario Government disbursed $763 million dollars solely to public and Catholic schools to help schools cope with the pandemic. These funds were given by the Federal Government for all schools in Canada. However, in Ontario, independent schools were purposely excluded and received no funds from the Ontario Government, even though Ontario was fully aware that they received more money because of the independent school population, being counted in the overall calculation.
Lawyers Aaron Rosenberg and David Elmaleh of RE-LAW LLP are representing the three schools in the case, Toronto Cheder, Metropolitan Preparatory Academy in Toronto and Woodland Christian High School in Kitchener, ON.
Lawyers Tommy Gelbman, Carly Fidler, and Elie Farkas of Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP will be representing B’nai Brith at the hearing.
To watch the lawsuit live on Monday August 9th from 10am onwards, please click HERE.